Why Popping Pimples Is Bad For Your Skin
Pimples can appear at the most inconvenient times. The last thing you want is to wake up the morning of an important job interview or to be getting ready for a date only to find pimples staring right back at you in the mirror. Sure, everyone says that popping pimples is bad for your skin, but just this once can’t hurt, right? Besides, how is it that popping pimples is bad for your skin when doing so seems to instantly get rid of the pus? Doesn’t it seem like popping pimples is a good thing, the quick and easy way to get rid of those annoying blemishes?
Read More →How To Prepare Your Skin For Spring
Spring is almost here and that means you need to, not only prepare your garden and do some spring cleaning, but also you need to prepare your skin. All winter you’ve been putting on your moisturizers and creams to keep your skin from getting too dry. Now that spring is here, your skin is definitely ready for a shift in seasonal skin care. It’s time to get your healthy glowing skin.
Read More →What Is Keratosis and Ways To Treat It
Keratosis is a type of skin condition that is quite common. This skin condition looks like very tiny bumps on the upper arms, thighs or cheeks. These bumps are dry and harmless, usually not hurting or itching. This skin type is sometimes called “Chicken Skin,” because of the way it resembles chicken skin. Unfortunately, this skin condition can’t be cured or prevented. Although, It can be treated with proper moisturizers and creams, usually prescribed by your doctor and will go away by age 30.
Read More →Types of Skin Cancers
Skin cancer is one of the most common diseases. Your skin accounts for over 15% of your body and is your first line of defense against the elements. It protects against heat, sunlight, injury, and infection. Skin cancer begins in the epidermis and can occur anywhere on the body. Here are just a few of the types of skin cancers and treatment options available.
Read More →What Are Cysts and How to Treat Them?
A cyst can appear as a bump on your skin. They can grow slowly and have a smooth surface, sometimes tiny or very large. Most cysts are not painful but they can cause problems if they are infected, impinging on a nerve or blood vessel, growing in a sensitive area or affecting the function of an organ. They can form for many different reasons including infections, inherited diseases, genetics, chronic inflammation, or blockages in ducts. There are hundreds of different types of cysts and they can grow almost anywhere on your body. We'll go over just a few of these types of cysts.
Read More →Microneedling
Some of you may or may not have heard of microneedling. It’s not the same thing as microblading. As discussed in our previous blog, microblading is a permanent tattooing technique for your eyebrows. Microneedling is actually a cosmetic procedure that eliminates acne scars and stretch marks. It can also be used to erase wrinkles and fine lines. This can help with anti-aging and other skin concerns, but we recommend consulting with your dermatologist before proceeding with this procedure. Here are some areas to consider when getting microneedling treatment:
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