Keratosis pilaris is a common skin condition that is harmless, but can cause issues for people as they are concerned about their appearance. This skin condition can make the skin feel like sandpaper, and these light-colored bumps can stand out on your skin. In many cases the bumps will appear under the eyelids, on the arms, thighs, and buttocks. In some situations there could be redness and inflammation with the bumps, but this is rare. For some people, it will disappear as you get older, but there are some patients that do see continued problems with these bumps for years.

What Causes Keratosis?
This skin condition is normally plugs of dead skin cells. The plugs tend to appear on the upper arms and thighs.
How to Treat Keratosis
Prevention is one of the best methods to treat keratosis. Dry skin is one of the issues that can make these bumps more noticeable. It is common for patients to see the bumps go away in the summer and they return in the winter. Proper moisturizer is one of the best things you can use to limit the appearance of bumps.
Call our Ogden Dermatology office at 801-752-0575 to learn more about Keratosis treatment options.