Psoriasis Treatment
Psoriasis is a condition leading to persistent, inflammatory skin conditions. When it is severe, it normally covers large areas of the body. This skin condition is not contagious, so it will not spread to other people you may come into contact with. However, it does normally occurs in families, as it is an inherited condition. The immune system does play a role in the severity of this condition. With psoriasis, the skin replaces itself at a higher rate, causing it to occur based on a “trigger.”
A trigger that causes psoriasis to occur can be related to stress, sunlight, dry heat, and many other things. Even something as simple as a cut a few weeks ago could lead it to trigger.
The treatment for psoriasis varies based on the severity of your condition. Some patients find relief from topical creams, while others need UV treatment and systemic treatments. Contact our Ogden dermatology office at 801-752-0575 to schedule a consultation with one of our board certified dermatologists. They can help you determine the best treatment option for your skin condition to help you achieve the healthy skin you desire. You may also use our online contact form and one of team members will contact you shortly to discuss your needs.