Acne scars can significantly impact your appearance, causing problems with self-esteem. They form as the result of inflamed blemishes, which occur when a pore becomes engorged with excess oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria. These inflamed blemishes cause a break in the follicle wall of the pore. Small breaks usually heal without any issue, but larger breaks may result in scarring. These scars are formed when the skin doesn’t use the right amount of tissue. An over-production of collagen will cause a bump to form above the skin. A lack of tissue will cause small craters or crevices on the surface of the skin.
Preventing Acne Scars
Washing your face regularly can help prevent the pores from becoming inflamed. Exfoliating your skin once a week can help clear dead skin cells from the skin. When acne forms, it is important to treat it immediately. Fast treatment will help prevent scars from forming. As tempting as it may be, do not pick at scars or pop pimples. This can contribute to the formation of scars.
Treating Acne Scars
Luckily, you don’t have to live with acne scars. There are many options to eliminate or diminish the appearance of acne scars. Chemical peels are one of the most popular methods for acne scar removal. They can be applied across the entire face or on specific problem points. These peels remove skin and encourage collagen production. Laser resurfacing is another option for dealing with acne scars. This process uses a laser to even out the texture of the skin.
Healing acne scars can help improve your appearance, increase your self-esteem, and improve the health of your skin. Chemical peels, laser resurfacing, and other methods can all be used to get rid of acne scars. If you have acne scars and want to know the viable treatment options, contact us at Allen-Taintor Dermatology today!